
Things that make you go.... WHOA!

Okay a lil update. For those of you that don't know, I recently joined Philadelphia Slick, a hip hop band with my best friend Marc Kaplan at the helm. Up until tonight, no one outside the band has heard me play drums with the ensemble. Tonight, we hit the stage together for the first time. The room was tiny and packed with hip hoppy, college kids... Just the way we like it. We clicked off the first tune and then away we went. frome start to finish, we killed. Strong, phat, and hot.

Tomorrow, we head to the Theater of the Living Arts here in philly for the next phase of Emergenza, a battle of the band like nothing i've ever seen. If we succeed at winning the crowd over, we'll move on to NYC. If we bring it there, It's off to germany. yikes.

That last part of the story was really just background info for what i'm about to share.

After the show, i went to wawa (one of my favorite places). After I came out I noticed a middle aged couple in the street holding hands and gazing in each others eyes. I got in the car to leave and noticed that the gaze had become an embrace and a kiss. Deep kiss. he starts feeling her up. backs her up against a car. hand down her pants... after that i pulled off...

At first these love birds made me smile and think about my own main squeeze, stephanie. But as their actions escalated i became a little alarmed. I mean i'm all for being touchy feeling with the one you love and all that. And don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a lil PDA to announce to the world to whom you belong. But then when you annouce to the world that you're 3 minutes from gettin' it on behind some Penn student's honda civic, that's another issue. Good grief. And then i thought to myself the guys have probably knocked back a few at the bar and are on the way to catch a cab or the local sheraton. It was kinda of later too. we're talking like after 1 am. maybe it wasn't so bad. It's not like anything got exposed... I think.

I guess from their prespective it'd be kind of exciting to be so openly passionate in a public place. They may not have even noticed they were being watched. After pondering all of these things, i found myself pulling away from the wawa with a smirk on my face thinking "you go 'head and work that out, partner." Sometimes you can just tell when something's about to go down. My man and his lady were about to GIT BIZZY. I can't be mad at them about that. I just hope they do so responsibly. That goes for all of you kids gittin' bizzy. This concludes the public service portion of this blog. Good people of the internet, you all be good. Thanks for reading.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA thank you much

7/06/2006 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't see nothing wrong wit a little grown & sexy in public.

7/10/2006 9:41 AM  

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