
fresh music and old flames...

That title just sounds juicy, don't it? Since last i wrote, many thing have happened. I left my mark on this fall's Cape May Jazz festival, I played Jay Kratz' Senior recital and once again, i was privileged to take the stage with the Will Brock Band. I'll talk a little bit about that in a minute.

Concerning the fresh music, i picked up a few interesting titles today. There is a compilation of early Stevie stuff out on Motown. It has some of his hits ("My Cherie Amour," "For Once in My Life") and some other things, like "Blowin' in the Wind," yeah the folk song from back in the day. I'm spinning that now. There's a two disc series of The Roots greatest hits. I picked up the first one. It has tunes like The Next Movement, You Got Me, etc. The cool thing about this disc is that it has some unrelease and remixed tunes. That should be a great addition to the CD closet/Dell DJ. The last thing i picked up tonight was Alicia Keys' Latest effort, Unplugged, released in conjuction with the production of her Unplugged show on MTV. The main reason i picked it up is my boy is on it. Pablo Batista. Got to be one of the baddest percussionists out there. Period. (sings "For once in my life..." you bettah sing, Stevie!)

As for old flames, it may not be what your expecting. There are no rekindled high school or grade school romances to of which to speak. In the past few weeks i've been trying to explore other avenues of self expression and enjoyment, this blog included. When i was in high school, i spent hours upon hours, shooting pictures for the school new paper, Masterman Voices. I eventually became the photo editor and took my love of photography to a new level. I could be found in front of my computer, photoshopping pictures, adding text, captions, etc... I left the paper in my senior year to focus solely on my musical career (a wise move at that time). In an effort to regain that stifled passion, I recently purchased a new digital camera. I am really looking forward to turning out some great photos. So often i find myself self saying "that would be a great shot!" Now i have no excuse. I may publish some of my work in a photo blog. Look out for that.

This renewed passion for photography got me thinking about old flames and relationships. Lately, it seems as though, old flames are getting more limelight then usual. My friends are dealing with them. They seem to be showing up when and where you leat expect them. How does one deal with that situation? Do you embrace them with open arms? Is it an awkward vibe where silece is a pewter? Do you avoid them at all costs? What if you're currently involved? I don't have the answers to any of these questions. just things coming to my head.

I'm listening to Alicia right now. I dunno how i feel about it...
i'll weigh in with my opinion next time around.
-truth getting sleepy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn alicia keys! she seasonal just like old flames, ride them till their time is up and then you embrace the new season.

11/18/2005 1:36 PM  

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