
Fashionably Crazy...

Good blog reading people of the internet, I write you this message with the last ounces of energy in my body. I would write tomorrow but to let my night end with sufficient documentation of events while they are still fresh would be a major disservice to you.

As you know from my first post that I am in to fashion and I'm a live sound engineer. Every so often these paths collide. Tonight as one of those nights and it was painful. Allow me to set the scene. The load in time for tonight's fashion show was 12pm. The show was supposed to start at 7 with rehearsals starting at 3ish I think. No big deal this is pretty typical. The problems arise when people are unprepared and there's no go to person for big decisions and the over leadership of the event. Saying all that to say the preshow activities were all but organized. If that wasn't bad enough, the 7 o'clock show didn't start til 8 freaking 30. I have a saying for that kind of thing: WTF!

enough of that let me tell what I observed.

Now I appreciate a well put together ensemble as much as the next slightly-more-in-tune-guy but some things can just be taken to far. So this hit tonight was a fashion competition that included teams from 6 different organizations. When the event focuses on fashion, you can't dare show up looking shabby. This leads to tons of girls with their funky mohawk cuts, and wigs, and weaves and naturals done up all crazy, each one roughing it in a pair of 4"+ stilletos... Don't get me wrong, y'all was workin' them jawns up there, but it was a little cliche for my taste. This also means everyone has to have their layering technique together, some sort of gaudy metallic accessory (my favorite is the "too much fabric" handbag/trashbag ), and really really big sunglasses.

I can't leave the dudes out. There were two kinds of fellas in the house tonight. The metrosexual (ranging from intensities "I use lotion" to flaming) and the thug lookin' keepin' up appearances brotha, there to check out the grown and sexy ladies (see above paragraph.) The former share many characteristics with the ladies, (layered, semi dressy look, glasses, some for of accessory, chain, belt buckle etc.). The thug dudes are straight ballers. These cats rock the sneakers with the way oversized running suit and the 20-27XL t-shirt. It is my belief that there are a lot of really big dudes walking around with no clothes to wear. I digress. No matter what group these individuals identified with, they all took themselves super seriously. This made things very funny.

Funny and sad: the first group to take the catwalk had some super scantily clad young ladies. One of them definitely had a titty pop out...twice. What did I learn from this? If ever your nipples are covered by a very small piece of fabric that's not connected to the nipple with some industrial duct tape, you've got to be a little less gung ho on the pose striking. Just turn it down enough so the titties don't pop out. (A word about the usage of titty: In normal circumstances for print I certainly would use a more accepted synonym but in this situation titty is so much funnier.)

I'm going to cut this short by saying there was a lot of really wacky stuff happening at Temple U tonight (ie a dude in heels. Yeah... A dude! There's a saying for that: WTF!!!). Now you understand the title fashionably Crazy. Thanks for reading.

-Truth with "nothing to wear"


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